
【视频分享】《We are Ready》——中远海运集团发布新版形象宣传片!你准备好了吗?

2016-11-05 宁波海事


相伴走遍海角天涯,这是你遇到我们,中国远洋海运集团。我们在这里许下诺言,请收下我们满满的诚意。这是中远海运集团新版形象宣传片《We are ready》从黄浦江畔到爱琴海边,从东方之珠到南极冰川,为你,

We are ready!



Everyday, when we walk through familiar cities,每一次,承载重托的出发。Every time, when we set sail with great trust,每一回,踏上遥远的航程。Every time, when we embark upon a long haul voyage,我们总在追寻,新的开始。We are always seeking a new start.

我们承运全球。We deliver for the world.世界第一的船队规模,值得你的托付。With the largest fleet in the world, we can live up to your trust.我们漂洋过海,日夜穿行,让陆地延伸,为你创造价值和便利。We transit through oceans, day and night. We extend the reach of the land, creating value and convenience to you.

我们承载使命。We carry a great mission.打造全球领先的供应链综合服务平台,为你提供更完美的服务。To build a world-leading platform for comprehensive supply chain services, and to provide perfect service to customers all around the world. 

我们的步履源自中国,遍布全球。Our footprints start from China, and reach out to the whole world.我们的服务不分昼夜,跨越时空。Our service is through day and night, transcending time and space.我们始终在你身边。We are always with you.

我们执着于专业精神。We are committed to professionalism.在飞机制造、电子、核能、电力、石化等方面拥有卓越的跨国全程物流服务能力。We are proud of our excellence in integrated logistics services for aircraft manufacturing, electronics, nuclear power, power generation, petroleum and chemicals, etc.

我们心怀责任与爱。We embrace responsibility and love.履行全球契约,关注海洋环境,关爱贫困地区,参与国际援助,期待企业与社会的可持续发展。We carry out Global Compact, cherish marine environment, helping alleviate poverty, participate in international humanitarian aid, aiming for the sustainable development of the company and society.

在我们脚下,地球是平的,货通天下,物畅其流。To us, the earth is flat, and cargo flows with no hindrance.我们的身影从你的世界路过,传递价值,编织梦想。We deliver value and dream wherever you are.

归来,再出发。Come back, and set sail again.每一个轮回,只为我们的承诺,只为世界更加美好。Every time, we strive to fulfill our promise and make the world a better one.


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